Nigeria: 'Fastest Way to Constitutional Changes Is Referendum'

By Madu Onuorah and Tsokar Karls, 1 August 2014
John Dara, NTP
John Dara, NTP
<p>John Dara, 2011 presidential candidate of the National Transformation Party (NTP), is an advocate for minority rights in Nigeria. A member of the 2005 political conference, who represents the Middle Belt in the 2014 National Confab, told Madu Onuorah and Tsokar Karls that only a faithful implementation of the "ground breaking" recommendations of the confab would correct the structural anomalies and uncertain political climate in Nigeria bedeviled by corruption, insecurity and mutual suspicion.</p><p><br><br><strong>What are some of the groundbreaking decisions taken by the conference?</strong></p>
Read the full article here: All Africa


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