An Online forum offers Libyans opportunity to discuss constitutional drafting process in Arabic and English

8 January 2015
Agora Libya website
Agora Libya website
<p>A&nbsp;new initiative called the&nbsp;<em>Agora Libyan Constitution Project</em>&nbsp;is being targeted at&nbsp;Libyans worldwide to give them&nbsp;the opportunity to network together and discuss their thoughts about the new constitution.</p><p>The initiative will offer several of what it is calling “online town halls” –&nbsp;providing a forum to educate participants on the constitutional issues and processes as well as&nbsp;to enable&nbsp;participants to voice opinions and&nbsp;hear from others with&nbsp;different viewpoints. The “town halls” will focus on three main constitutional themes: political structure and institutions; rights and freedoms; and public services.</p>
Read the full article here: Libya Herald


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