Op-ed: Britain must fix its constitutional crisis

By AC Grayling, 19 April 2018
photo credit: Duncan Hull (Banksy)/flickr
photo credit: Duncan Hull (Banksy)/flickr
Our political order – parliament, the political parties whose representatives currently make up its sitting membership, and the executive drawn from the tenuous coalition supporting it – is faced with a momentous challenge. This challenge is not that of exiting the European Union and coping with the shock to the economy and society that the mere prospect of leaving is already beginning to be felt. [ . . . ] No, the real challenge is a different one: and if it were faced, there would be no consequences of Brexit because there would be no Brexit. This challenge is the challenge of doing what is right for the country, and in so doing to face up to the constitutional disarray that has made the possibility of Brexit occur at all.
Read the full article here: http://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/top-stories/ac-grayling-constitutional-crisis-1…


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