Op-ed: Nigeria should return to a parliamentary system of government

By Adémólá Òrúnbon, 10 March 2021
Abuja, Nigeria (photo credit: Jeff Attaway/flickr)
Abuja, Nigeria (photo credit: Jeff Attaway/flickr)
It is almost 22 years of democratic rule in Nigeria. There is no better time than now to assess the suitability of the 1999 constitution. [ . . . ] Unexpectedly, the 2021 budget is more on recurrent expenditure than capital projects. The recurrent expenditure is to maintain political office holders and their numerous aides. In fact, since the advent into civil rule the cost of running government has been on the high side. These amongst others shows that there is a need to implement the 2014 conference report and do away with the 1999 constitution which is the guardian angel of this republic, or better still, we should go back to the parliamentary system of government.
Read the full article here: The Sun


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