Thailand constitutional referendum: Crucial issues as outcome uncertain

By Adam Ramsey, 3 August 2016
Activists protest against the junta-backed constitution draft
Activists protest against the junta-backed constitution draft
<p><span>Millions of Thais go to the polls on 7 August to vote about the future direction of their country which still remains under de-facto military rule.&nbsp;</span></p><p><strong>What’s happening?</strong></p><p>On Sunday, 7 August 40.4 million eligible voters in&nbsp;<a class="u-underline" data-component="auto-linked-tag" data-link-name="auto-linked-tag" href="">Thailand</a>&nbsp;will head to the polls in a referendum for a new constitution. More than 200,000 police officers will be deployed at 94,000 polling stations on the day.</p><p><strong>What is the voting for?</strong></p><p>Voters will be asked two questions requiring simple yes-no answers:</p><p>Do you accept the draft constitution?</p>
Read the full article here: The Guardian


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