Turkey: New political era ahead with new constitution

10 February 2015
Photograph: Simela Pantzartzi/EPA
Turkish foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu. Photograph: Simela Pantzartzi/EPA
<p><span>&nbsp;The ruling Justice and Development party (AK Party) is confident of a strong victory in the upcoming general elections in June and vowed for a new constitution that includes switching to a presidential system.</span></p><p><span>&nbsp;</span><br><br><span>Speaking at the fifth provincial congress in Istanbul on Sunday, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu touched upon one of the most pressing stories in Turkey, that of a presidential system. He signaled that a new constitution would be necessary for a presidential system to be put in force in Turkey.</span></p><p><span>&nbsp;</span><br><br><span>"We will open the way for a brand new political system with a new constitution," Davutoğlu was quoted as saying during his speech.</span></p>
Read the full article here: Daily Sabah


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