Turkey's Erdogan says new constitution priority after 2015 election

2 October 2014
Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan. Credit: Reuters/Osman Orsal
Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan speaks during the World Economic Forum Special Meeting on Unlocking Resources for Regional Development in Istanbul September 28, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Osman Orsal
<p>President Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday forging a new constitution after a parliamentary election next year would be a priority for Turkey, signaling no let-up in his drive to create an executive presidency. Erdogan, who became Turkey's first popularly-elected head of state in August after 12 years as prime minister, has made no secret of his ambition to change the constitution and bolster the powers of the presidency, a move opponents fear will herald an increasingly authoritarian rule.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
Read the full article here: Reuters


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