The United States’ wavering commitment to the Ukrainian constitution

By Eugene Robinson, 25 March 2014
Russian President Vladimir Putin (Yuri Kadobnov/Associated Press)
Russian President Vladimir Putin (Yuri Kadobnov/Associated Press)
<p>I hate having to be the skunk at our great national picnic of self-righteous indignation over the Russian grab of Crimea, but somebody has to point out how we sound to others.</p><p>U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power (<a href="">@AmbassadorPower</a>) posted this tweet Thursday night: “The proposed referendum on the future of&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href=";src=hash">#Crimea</a>&nbsp;would violate the Ukranian [sic] constitution. The U.S. will not recognize its results.”</p><div class="wp-caption alignright" id="attachment_15892"><p class="wp-caption-text">Russian President Vladimir Putin (Yuri Kadobnov/Associated Press)</p>
Read the full article here: Post Partisan - The Washington Post


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