ConstitutionNet Updates: January 2019

Dear Reader,

The January Newsletter contains three original Voices from the Field pieces. Pakistan’s Prime Minister has formed a committee to consult with opposition parties towards the extension of a 2014 constitutional amendment that empowers military courts to try terrorism suspects. Revelations on the internal workings of these courts necessitate the lapsing of their mandate.

Togo’s political crisis continues with the postponement of the constitutional referendum planned for December 2018. The outcomes of the legislative elections may mean that the ruling party will push its version of reforms, bypassing both the people and opposition groups, which is likely to exacerbate the crisis.

While Sri Lanka now has a ‘draft’ constitution, the reform coalition that launched the process has collapsed, postponing hopes for a new constitution. Nevertheless, there may still be a level of consensus to end the executive presidency and establish a parliamentary system.

The Newsletter also contains news updates from Uganda to Slovenia and Maldives to Panama. A new publication on territory and power is also available.

ConstitutionNet Analyses - Voices from the Field
  Why Pakistan should not renew mandate of military courts to try terrorism suspects
by Muhammad Zubair
Togo’s continuing constitutional crisis and ECOWAS’s failed mediation effort
by Dr. Kangnikoé Bado
Sri Lanka’s (un)ending road to a new Constitution: Technical progress, political collapse
by Dr. Asanga Welikala
Asia and the Pacific
Latin America and the Caribbean
Middle East and North Africa
North America
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ConstitutionNet is an International IDEA project developed and maintained with generous support from the Government of Norway.