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The Schedule of the Constituent Assembly in Nepal (8th Amendment)

This document displays the working schedule of the Constituent Assembly in Nepal. The schedule comes into effect on September 16, 2008 and approved by the Constituent Assembly (CA) on November 1, 2009. The schedule amended by the CA eight times and the eight amendments takes place in December 23, 2009. The main activities, duration of work, works to be done by the plenary session of the CA and the parallel activities of CA was mentioned in the paper in details as well as the other work that can be done by relevant committees. The main activities can be summarized as holding extensive discussions and consultations on the concept of the new constitution and collecting suggestions (and opinions) from members of the civil society, experts and the general public. Moreover, carrying out general discussions on the Bill relating to the Constitution in accordance with the Interim Constitution and CA Rules of Procedure was also indicated in the schedule.

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