First Asia Pilot Workshop of the Capacity Training Programme for Constitution Building Practitioners

Organized in partnership with Civic Exchange an independent Hong Kong-based public policy think tank, this event was one in a series of training workshops across the Global South by International IDEA to pilot its Constitution-building Training Curriculum currently under development. The objective of the pilot training was to field test draft modules and to assess how to impact the practice of constitution building in Asia through training and capacity building.



Round Table on International Partnership for Constitution Building

International assistance to constitution building processes

Constitution building processes play an important role in democratic reform, conflict management and peacebuilding.  However support to constitution building has not received the same level of scrutiny as other streams of assistance, such as electoral support, political party assistance, rule of law and others.  This dialogue is convened to interrogate practices of constitution building support among international actors.  Who are these external actors? How do their roles differ? What does constitution building assistance comprise of, and is it meeting the needs of national actors?  This event is the first in the International IDEA Constitution Building Programme Policy Series.

By invitation only.


International Conference on the Dynamics of Constitution Making in Nepal in a Post Conflict Scenario, Kathmandu, Nepal

The overall goal of organizing the conference was to help induct democratic norms, values and procedures in the new constitution of Nepal, and contribute to the institutionalization of principles of constitutionalism and rule of law to resolve conflict and permanently establish peace in Nepal. More

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Conference on Accountability Under Democratic Constitutions, Wilton Park, UK

Accountability Under Democratic Constitutions

The conference brings together, at the invitation of the UK’s Ministry of Justice, officials, lawyers, judges, parliamentarians, constitutional experts and interested NGOs, from the UK and internationally, to discuss issues of accountability under democratic constitutions. What can the UK learn from countries with different systems or who are at different stages of developing their constitutional accountability? What are the risks and benefits in the process of redesigning the system? Learn more about the event here

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